OneStream XF - Design Fundamentals

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Publication Date: 08/14/2019
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The main goal behind the OneStream XF Design Framework is to allow the creation of a defined and repeatable OneStream design process. It also helps consultants create the best design for a specific analytic usage case. Usually, Design Workshops (used to help with creating the design framework) are held with users and consultants to discuss details.


As mentioned, the end goal of a design framework in OneStream XF is essentially to create defined and repeatable OneStream design processes. Each design use case has to be provided with the best practices, resources, and detailed examples.

A documented design outline (created by the consultants as a documentation system on how the system was built and designed) will be created and shared with users. It should be maintained and kept updated as the design changes and is only considered final when key stakeholders sign off.

Please Note: User performance expectations for the design should be set early in the project so as to prevent confusion in later stages.


  • Design session for Model Extensibility
  • Validation for Model Extensibility
  • Questionnaire for Application Extensibility
  • Validation for Application Extensibility
  • Questionnaire for Cube Design
  • Outline selection for Cube Design

Please Note: Application Extensibility is considered a future feature.


Need help implementing OneStream XF? No worries - our consultants at Paradigm SES are well-versed in EPM software and can help your company successfully implement OneStream XF. Feel free to contact us for more information and details. A consultant will get back to you shortly.